greetings my name is Sammie but i also liked to be called Samuel or Simon.
i really love pizza yum_pizza if it wasn't obvious already >v>'
i enjoy many other things like video games and anime etc. yum_bacon
yum_pumpkinpie yum_donut yum_cupcake yum_puddi here on gaia i try to be as sweet as can be UvU yum_puddi yum_cupcake yum_donut yum_pumpkinpie
gaia_star most here know me for my generosity gaia_star
i regularly give gold to n00b players so they can feel accepted emotion_hug emotion_brofist emotion_c8
whee there is much more about me but you are going to have to talk with me to find out ~ whee
"Pizza is my life
and will ultimately lead to my death
so may i forever
yum_pizza Rest in Pizza yum_pizza "
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