in this worLd, sHe is the happiest wiTh him by her siDe.
eVen in theiR buSy daiLy liVes, they will always find time to be wiTh each other.
aNd that, at the eNd of eaCh passiNg day, he wiLL come to her and teLL her hOw much she missed her and longed to see heR;
ask her how has she been doing aLL day.
aNd then before he turned to walk hOme, he will hug her tightLy whispering the three magical words.
she wiLL break the hug and wiLL smile at him.
she will thaNk him then for loving her and will just say, "Take care."
she pRomised to herself that she will not tell him how much she love him too,
untiL that day comes that he will say those three magical words to her...
in her REAL worLd.
in her reaL world where it seems like they don't know each other at aLL. ♥
special thAnks to
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