Not That Anyone Cares, But....
Update 04/05/2021: So I'm not a teenager anymore, and I no longer identify as female (I'm nonbinary). But I'm leaving the profile below as it was edited in 2010 as a "time capsule" of sorts. Also, I'm not at all active on Gaia and haven't been for, like, a decade, so find me somewhere else!"The sun isn't handed to you in some freaking present box
and nether is happiness
you have to work your a** off
and MAKE you're own sun."- Becka
Moo, I'm an octopus.
Hello there, fine world. I'm -RazzberryWerewolfPoet-, but save your breath/fingers and call me Paula (You know, if you want to.)
[Updated 9/11/10]
* I was born in 1995.
* I am of two X chromosomes. (English translation: I'm female)
* Anarchist (Anti-government).
* No, this is not my first account. It's my...second?!
* The previous names of this account: lilmisswerewolf, Peaceful_Yet_Insane, GodIsMyMeth (My previous account was 4shells4; now a mule that I never use and with a different username).
* Fluoride (found in most toothpastes and in the water systems of many countries) and aspartame (found in diet drinks and some sugar free foods) are very damaging for you.
* So is aluminum, which is found in many underarm deodorants.
* You know what? I love all species.
* I like all genres of music. There are certain songs that I don't particularly adore, but I can appreciate just about all forms of art.
* I am NOT obsessed over anime or manga, though I do enjoy a few of them occasionally.
* I am a tad bit bipolar; maybe even quadpolar. Be warned.
* I am best friends with a soul named Josefina, whom is trapped in the body of a American Girl Doll. Her Gaia username is Butterfly Josefina.
* I'm single. However, I'm not a big fan of online dating.
* Curioussexual, which means probably gay, but, hey, I'm 15. Who knows?
* I'm not a big fan of role-playing either, though I'm willing to do non-sexual role-playing if you really wanted me to.
* I'd actually rather feel nothing at all then pain...although pain has its uses...
* I guess I'm friendly...
* Meow.
* I love you, just because you're you.
* Poetry= life
* I am all of your silly stereotypes, which makes me none of them. ^ ^
* My view on God and religion: If you want a God/Gods to be real, it/they are, and if not, then it/they aren't.
* The one trait I hate the most about myself: I can be VERY self-centered at times.
* It's not too late, it's NEVER too late.
* The egg came first.
* Drug-free (includes alcohol).
* I will not change for anybody. Even if I could have sworn I was in love with a certain person, and this one or two things I did really annoyed that person, I wouldn't change for them. That'd be lying to them.
* I'm a hypocrite, not a liar.
* I will always be seeking gold- always wanting to do something. I try to donate as often as possible, most of the time through the O.M.A.M charity that Josefina and I have started. Click on link in signature to go there.
* Dang, this is a LONG list.
And now: Song lyrics which describe my thoughts and world:
"So am I still waiting for this world to stop hating?
Can't find a good reason, can't find hope to believe in." -Sum 41: Still Waiting
"It's coming down to nothing more than apathy, I'd rather run the other way than stay and see the smoke and who's still standing when it clears."- The Fray: Over My Head (Cable Car)
"I still remember the world from the eyes of a child. Slowly those feelings are clouded by what I know now."- Field of Innocence: Evanescence
"Don't blink: just like that you're 6 years old and you're taking naps, and you wake up and you're 25, and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife....Trust me friend, a hundred years goes faster than you think." - Kenny Chesney: Don't Blink
"This evil that's within; it's hiding: I'm not scared"- Love and Hate (On and On): Disciple
"The more I think, the less I see. When I'm able to walk, I'm queen of my world....The more I think, the less I do. When I'm able to talk, I'm queen of my world."- Rock Your Soul: Eliza
"I think I have to give you something: more than words- is that something? So I show you my dreams to make them our dreams, and won't you just be- I'm what you see."- Rock Your Soul: Eliza
"So tired of the straight line- and everywhere you turn, there's vultures and thieves at your back. The storm keeps on twisting; you keep on building the lie that you make up for all that you lack."- In The Arms Of An Angel: Sara McLachlan
"You can own the Earth and still all you'll earn is earth until you can paint with all the colors of the wind." Colors Of The Wind: Pocahontas
"F*ck, this hurts, I won't lie; doesn't matter how hard I try. Half the words don't mean a thing and I know that I won't be satisfied."- Bleed It Out- Linkin Park
Love, Peace, and Joy =
A Few Words From The Awesome...
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whats up?
*gives you two cupcakes*
Blow out the candle and you can eat them!
(you're not the only one... 3nodding )