Rayne Legacy

Rayne Legacy's avatar

Last Login: 02/06/2013 7:42 am

Gender: Female

Location: Vacherie

Birthday: 08/20/1996

Occupation: School kid


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Name?!: Chasity
Status?!: SINGLE
Age?!: 16
Gender?!: Female
Where?!: USA!!!!
Life?!: I live in Louisiana, eat at Raisin Cane's regularly, write poetry and get on Gaia. Every now and then there is the JROTC event I attend or participate in. I am a JROTC Cadet, obviously, and a Staff Sergeant. I guess that's a good thing. Erm. Oh yeah. I'm Drill Team Captain, Color Guard Commander on occasion, and Sabre Team Captain as well. My 1st Sergeant and Colonel terrify me beyond belief. So there's that. Umm. I'm in band. Play any percussion instrument you can imagine... Oh yeah! I love to RP.
Goals?!: To graduate from high school in one piece, join the Marines or the Navy and then retire in about 25-30 years and collect my Military pension whilst staying active in the Reserves.


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Aquila di Cartagine Report | 05/31/2013 9:13 pm
Aquila di Cartagine
How are you?
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/22/2013 8:49 am
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
moop. razz

How's life going, btw? smile
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/22/2013 7:36 am
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/21/2013 3:04 am
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/11/2013 11:20 am
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
Don't blame yourself. At the very least, you'll be wiser for the next relationship. Stronger. smile
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/10/2013 2:10 pm
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
scream stressed
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/09/2013 8:47 am
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
Ugh, I'm sorry. sad
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 01/08/2013 10:47 pm
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
Whatcha freaking out about? sad
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 12/27/2012 12:48 am
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
I sees choo!
Cynical Cyanide Overdose Report | 12/12/2012 8:07 pm
Cynical Cyanide Overdose
Thank you smile


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Guild friend. She's awesome.

I'm gonna beat you up :3