
"The light in my eyes is fueled by the fire in my soul. Never question what's burning." -Me

Kitty Chou is OFFICIALLY my newest hero! <333

I love God foreverz!!! XP

I accept random friend requests, but do not make them. ^-^

Usually I don't fill this part out at all... but I stole someone else's layout.

Age: 19. I feel old! D:

Gender: Female.

Grade: College Sophomore (by years) or Junior (by credits). O.O

Personality: I'm relatively outgoing, and love being around people. Pretty much my entire life is God-driven. 'Cause he rocks. That's all I gotta say, methinkies.

Description: I'm >almost< 5' 5", brown hair, dark brown eyes, heavyset.

Location: Post Falls, North Idaho. College is in Salem, Oregon.

Friends: Everyone! YAY1

Loves: God, meh mom, my cat, and learning.

Likes: Nights home alone, music, old paper-back book smell, lifting weights, rain, and nature.

Dislikes: Luke-warm showers, people who argue about things they can't comprehend, and people who can't compromise.

Political views: I'm a conservative republican. Welcome to Idaho. smile

Favorite foods: Green salad, oranges, baby carrots, eggrolls, beets, watermelon, yogurt... unusual responses for an obese person, I know. ^^;

Favorite television show: Meh.

Favorite movie: I don't judge movies. It makes my brain hurt.

Favorite music: Christian, Rock, Celtic, and Classical.

Favorite song(s): I gave up on trying to pick. XD

From LokisRose!
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Lady Chiaku's talents drawing Eli Indigo:
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Shinedown Concert and Road Trip Photobucket.
Facebook. (Hopefully this link will work!)
My usually inactive shop. =3
New blog: caseyjthomas.blogspot.com


Viewing 12 of 23 friends


Critique meh!

My current writing project.

Proceed at your own risk. All damages caused by the viewing of this material is not subject to lawsuit or other legal action.

Critiques: #12) Odd Experience Essay, #14) Random Paragraphs, #15) Fond Memories, #17) Slime, #23) Children of the Dewdrop, #25) Empty Cell, #26) To be a Thomas, and #27) Shattered Dream.

I started writing creatively when I was six (I still have that little work... quite cute, really). I want to know what other people think of my way with words. So here are some examples of my writing, laid bare for all to see! ^-^



Viewing 10 of 12 comments.


Report | 08/17/2009 4:46 pm


God, what is this thing you speak of?
Lizzy Faller

Report | 04/14/2009 6:34 pm

Lizzy Faller

glad you liked it. XD
Rainbow Holocaust

Report | 06/23/2007 8:54 pm

Rainbow Holocaust

Aw, hey you have a Gwee!

I wanted one ^^

But I'm currently questing for a CoCo Kitty lol

I like your avvie :]

It's very green ^^
Rainbow Holocaust

Report | 05/09/2007 6:49 pm

Rainbow Holocaust

I haven't commented you for a while, so I figured I'd come in to pay you a visit, though it would appear you don't visit here yourself that often.

Either way...

Ich liebe dich

Report | 04/20/2007 3:28 pm


Casey-u-chan!!! weee! i'm at nicky's. talk to ye later. *heart* bye
D aron rockcrumbler

Report | 10/14/2006 1:45 pm

D aron rockcrumbler

cool profile anti

Report | 09/16/2006 7:53 pm


*pokes* how do you get music on your profile page?!?!? 0.o

Report | 09/06/2006 7:24 pm


0.0 I love your profile!!!!

Report | 08/20/2006 2:37 pm


sweet profile
D aron rockcrumbler

Report | 08/18/2006 6:52 pm

D aron rockcrumbler

omgness your profile is awesome


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