'Ello, about me.... 'Kay im going to tell you a little bit about me. I'm pretty chill. I will like you until you give me a reason not to like you. I'm a listener. People tell me about there problems a lot, and I listen to them. I am easily amused. So yeah, Be my freind if you want to. I love making new freinds
Okay look Im going to tell you about all my favorite friends here on gaia... or the ones that I can remeber... lol so sorry if I miss you >,< you can yell at me and I will put you up there ok? ok good! lol
Yoshi-Hoshi 212- My bestestestestestestest's friend in the whole world. I luff her to death. Mess with her and your going to be messing with me... I'll kick your butt so hard you'll wish you were dead *evil glare* Shes also my step cousin. We've knowen each other since we were both in 6th grade. It's cool I get to have a friend as family. XD But any ways shes way cooler then any of Y'all are ever going to be so keep wishing
the journal of random doom
It's me what do you expect
my poems and random crap
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