Raven Harlequin's avatar

Last Login: 04/05/2019 2:25 pm

Registered: 10/09/2004

Gender: Animal

Birthday: 08/14

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I've been a member since 2004, and have been to one Gaia panel at Wondercon! Even though I'm a bit of a veteran, I'm still a total noob.

I enjoy crafting, such as jewelry making, crocheting, knitting, sewing.


View All Comments

glengrin Report | 02/01/2015 10:23 pm
Thanks for your purchases. mrgreen
sarangbae Report | 02/01/2015 8:50 pm
Thank you for your purchase! Have a lovely day/night. emotion_c8
GamerGirlIcy12 Report | 01/28/2015 6:37 pm
Thanks kindly for buying. Come back again!
Naturally Nebulous Report | 01/25/2015 2:50 pm
Thank you for buying~! ^ ^
Oppa notice mexD Report | 01/25/2015 11:13 am
thanks for buying: D
battlescar Report | 09/12/2011 9:35 pm
i'm working on improving my art.
i've been low balled so much. gold isn't worth much these days.
and i can make a few hundred k from playing bootygrab in the time it takes me to do the art anyway.
Eau de Mistrolat Report | 10/27/2010 7:21 pm
xD Thanks!
Yours is very colorful.
The Busy Bee Queen Report | 12/18/2009 3:55 pm
thanks !
Syntriel Koehali Report | 08/29/2009 11:16 am
Hello. I saw your post in the Textiles and Crafts forum, and your hats are adorable! Before someone reports you, though, you should transfer all of that information to a DeviantArt journal instead. Gaia doesn't allow marketing your services on the site, but they do allow an offsite link to your information about commissions. I think it would be allowed if you left the thread for discussion of fleece hats with a link in the post about it, though.

Either way, good luck!

By the way, DeviantArt also has a handy job services forum so you could offer your services to other people with a DA account.
xXxWiggyxXx Report | 06/17/2009 5:26 pm
can you donate 30k oe less please foe my dream avi???

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