My name's Kellie. I like to ice skate, dance, play videogames, surf, eat, make food, and do unexpected things to my hair.
My birthday is on the 14th of march. Sweet 17, bby.
Last Login: 06/12/2015 3:10 pm
Gender: Female
Location: santa cruz, california
Birthday: 03/14/1997
Occupation: student
My thoughts and my over-analyzations of everything.
Currently Javimia Rienpin: Previously one of many henchmen to an unknown villain, but has since resigned and now spends her days taming birds.
You currently have zero playlists!
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And yes, please feel free to draw me! <3
you're way too kind blaugh
totally looking forward to it 8D
of course you may~ what an honor for me heart redface
oh my <3
go ahead emotion_facepalm
You seem like a pretty interesting person.