
Raibeart The Artist

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Birthday: 12/24


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Noble Link Report | 10/08/2024 7:34 pm
Noble Link
dude yours is sick! you managed to give it that old school gaia aesthetic while keeping
accuracy and I dont think we have a single piece of matching clothing article. as for the shadow
I really think it depends on what you're going for (art vs in-game render). Happy Mask salesman is
one of the few characters that brings out the best with that shadow item you're using

anyway, I am a sucker for MM cosplays so it's good to see em still kickin in 2024. I was thinking of making
some MM cosplay for arenas but couldn't decide on any that would be really good. I got a 2-year zelda
halloween arena entry streak to maintain! lol maybe Deku scrub Link 🤔
Noble Link Report | 10/08/2024 3:27 pm
Noble Link
LOL thanks man but you gotta do what you gotta do! if you want any item names just let me know
Eidos 7 Report | 10/02/2024 3:05 pm
Eidos 7
oi oi oi
Noble Link Report | 09/26/2024 5:10 am
Noble Link
Old is gold my friend. Always enjoy seeing Zelda cosplays tho
Kinda miss them/ making them
Kingsglaive Report | 09/25/2024 7:45 pm

< n < ..
Mister Piggy Wiggy Report | 09/25/2024 4:52 am
Mister Piggy Wiggy
Jujuonis Report | 09/24/2024 6:38 pm
Thank you.
something adorably wicked Report | 09/24/2024 1:18 pm
something adorably wicked
I love the movie twister. And I was doing it for pure thrill and enjoyment. My love of weather goes back as far as I can remember when I was a kid. Here in Indiana we get bad storms all the time. Just had a tornado north of us two days ago that went unearned and took out parts of a high school. Lol I'm the unofficial Helen Hunt. I haven't watched the new twister movie yet.
something adorably wicked Report | 09/24/2024 12:25 pm
something adorably wicked
Sounds pretty awesome! I chased storms locally for a long time but then I got a job working night shift and all that changed and I began to refocus my attentions elsewhere. But I still love storms. I just don't get to chase them as much anymore. Last year my town that I live in got hit by a EF1 tornado and my house took a direct hit. 🫠 but anyways, I'd love to see your photos you took sometime. I bet they are really pretty. I've never been there but it sounds nice.
something adorably wicked Report | 09/24/2024 12:00 pm
something adorably wicked
Feel free to message me anytime. 3nodding

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Raibeart The Artist