ragin fire23

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Birthday: 12/08


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My name is ragin fire23, and I don't like people who are mean or bully other Gaians. I will stand up for what I believe in. I won't succumb to peer-pressure. I will be your best friend if you let me. I am nice, courageous, lovable, awesome(said my BFF), gentle(but if someone insults my friends or family, I can get pretty nasty), easily angered(so don't light my fuse), generally happy, considerate, willing to keep on keeping on when the going gets tough, very laughable(ask my BFF) and very, very, very sensitive. Nice to meet you! mrgreen 4laugh

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kiss my tears Report | 05/28/2011 1:31 pm
kiss my tears
Hello, thanks for the friend request! So what's up?


heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

I am ninja!! ninja

I heart Ghost Adventures!


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