
Rabidwuff's avatar

Birthday: 12/06


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whee rofl whee

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rofl rofl rofl
But seriously . . .
I need it ! ! ! gonk

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So TRUE . . . 3nodding

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i adopted a chibi!
name: Fang
likes: Sleeping, Cuddling, Playing, Teasing. Eating, Being cool. xD
doesn't like: Being annoyed too much, Loud noises,
people touching his stuff, friends getting hurt.
owner: Aya - chan = me ^_________^
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

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I befriended two hosts~! 3nodding
Name: Hikaru and Kaoru
Loves: Each other~! x3 impress gurls . . rofl
No Loves: Being called homo. xD
Owner: I can't say me . . . sweatdrop
You wanna find friends[adopt] too??
Go here~!

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~watashi ha muda na gozen shitte iru , watashi ha yowai desune . watashi dehanai nanika wosuruga , furiwosurukotoga watashi no kakushin shiteiru hitotsu nokoto , watashi no baai demo , watashi ni shinu kotowo mamoru kotodesu .~

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people who donated/gave me stuff ~ ^_________^ arigatou~!!! crying 4laugh

i-kiLL-u-Wid-my-smiLe heart 4laugh
BaBy_KeKen heart 4laugh
Pixie Ninja-icon heart 3nodding
Skweetlez heart whee
La Mort de Madame heart whee
Kotick_Dragon heart whee
empty_wolf_girl heart whee
Band Llama luvs NickJ heart whee
x Sakura-hime heart heart crying 4laugh
Sanctus Lupus heart crying
OrangeAxel heart 4laugh crying
Xxalbino_wolfxX heart 3nodding
sasuken heart heart heart heart 4laugh crying 4laugh
Little Ayame heart heart heart heart heart heart 4laugh crying 4laugh
Angelbabyatheist heart heart


My Art Shoppe~ . . . 3nodding

My Old Art Shoppe~ . . . X3
Knaix's Chibi shop~ . . . OwO
i-kiLL-u-Wid-my-smiLe Tekitekshop~ . . . >w<
Friends Chibi Art shop~ . . . :3

I'll just type whatever comes into mind . . . > <;;
well, for starters my names *censored* but my friends call me by my Japanese nickname Aya which is short for Ayame. ^____^
I'm currently 16 years old. Will be 17 this December 2009.
I like dark or emo stuff but I am NOT emo. >.>
My fave colors are Black, White, Red, Blue.
I play Pump it Up, also known as New Xenesis.
Recently, I'm addicted to playing rock band along with my friends.

"we ish the drummer!! >:3"

oh . . . right, allow me to introduce uhm . . . uh . . . inu-chan ^____^;;
she's the part of me which i refer to as the "dog". since I haven't named her yet, i just used the Japanese word for dog. Yes, I'm a person with multiple personalities. Inu-chan is more of the playful type. She likes to run around, she loves being rubbed on the head, she loves to give hugs, [i love giving hugs too ^____^] and she's more of the kiddy type. she likes rain.

* . . . -__- *

err . . . right, there's also neko-chan ^______^;
she's more of the err . . . snobbish type i guess . . .
she tends to scold me and keep me from making a fool out of myself. ^___^
she dislikes getting wet. she hates it when the people we hold dear are being bullied or made fun off.

"she has a soft side too which now-a-days is more well . . . err . . . what's the word? >w<"

*talk and I'll kill you . . . *Glare*"

"eh! okay okay I'll keep my mouth shut . . . -w-"

quit it you guys! we're trying to make an introduction here . . . > <;;
a-anyway . . .
the things the three of us can agree on are clothes, we also like staring at the moon and stars at night. We also love sleeping . . . XD well . . . Dog is more of the hyper-ish kind . . . so . . . she sleeps less . . . but kitty isn't the one who actually sleeps . . . oh wait . . . I'm the only one who loves to sleep! > <;;

We also have different taste in music.
Neko-chan loves rock music or anything loud, which is unusual for a cat. > <;;
Inu-chan on the other hand loves mellow music, ones you can cry to, which is also unusual for a dog, since dogs are more of the hyper type > <;;
While for me, i like anything that's instrumental ^______^

"I wanna talk too!! X3 i lovesh singing! and neko-san here loves to dance! :3 isn't that right neko-san . . . . . eh?"
"eh! AYA-chaaaaan~!!! tasukete!! TwT"

e-err . . . I guess that's it for now > <;;
oh right! i forgot to talk about the 4th one . .
which I refer to as wolf or okami-chan. she only comes out when I'm really, really angry. You could say that she's mostly chained up. Inu-chan and Neko-chan, try their best to keep it that way. > <;;

I'm guessing I seriously need therapy . . .
but I don't want to get rid of them either!
they keep me company when I'm alone . . . > <;;


eh! err . . . i has to help inu-chan now . . . yorushiku onegai shimasu minna! ^_______^;;

UPDATE: 08/24/09
I forgot to mention I am EASILY and I mean EASILY worried . . .
Just a slight bruise on a friends hand and I go . . .
'what did you do?! don't hurt yourself!!! becareful!! Dx
and all that s**t . . . sweatdrop
If it was Inu she'd whimper . . . " gonk "
If it were Neko she'd scold you . . . * scream *

and I am easily scared as well . . . > <;;

UPDATE: 07/27/09
-Likes to Give HUGS ^_^ whee
-Likes Wolves rofl , Dogs, 3nodding Cats heart Foxes xd Also Mythical Creatures like Dragons, Phoenix's, Vampires, Werewolves >:3
UPDATE: 08/24/09
-Likes to be RANDOM~!! rofl
-Dislikes people she holds dear being hurt . . . stare [already wrote this but oh well~. . . rofl ]
-Likes SWORDS!!! blaugh
-Head rubs~ >w< [wait . . . I've already mentioned this too . . . sweatdrop ]

*UPDATED* April 25, 2012...

Wow, it's been awhile since I've signed in gaia and well... Reading my "About me" kind was refreshing... Too bad I ain't like that anymore. >_<" But am still Aya... xD It's good to be back. :3


View All Comments

Vinny0816 Report | 03/31/2014 8:33 am
What a cute cat emotion_kirakira
SummerGaGa Report | 03/07/2014 5:39 pm
aya 8D
SummerGaGa Report | 03/07/2014 5:38 pm
aya 8D
Inauthentic Sushi Report | 03/05/2014 10:12 am
Haha oh awesome razz Do you play zOMG ever o:
Inauthentic Sushi Report | 03/04/2014 5:19 pm
Lots of things XD working, chilling, other lol. Requirements for what o:
Inauthentic Sushi Report | 02/27/2014 10:24 am
Aww congrats!! It's okay I came back a few months ago from being gone 3 years XD
Inauthentic Sushi Report | 02/02/2014 1:44 am
Haiii~~! 4laugh How are you? 3nodding
Vinny0816 Report | 10/15/2013 9:04 am
Aya~!!! heart
Vinny1904 Report | 02/16/2013 7:55 am
Yeah, those were the good days crying
Vinny1904 Report | 02/15/2013 10:04 am
Aww miss you too wolfie, it's been a long since we last chatted, hope to see you soon! whee




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Black Valentines Band

Black Valentines Band

"Don't waste food or I'll kill you." - Sakura Kyouko

"...The colors aren't all wonderful,
but this world is beautiful."
- Kuroi Mato; Black Rock Shooter

"Keep Fighting even if it isn't worth it."
- Uryuu Minene; Mirai Nikki

"Humans don't have the patience to wait
even ten minutes for something!"
- Yurripe; Angel Beats