Name: Quinth Fae
Nickname: Qu, Diana
Age: 17
B-Day: August 10
Likes: Computers, anime, drawing, reading, writing, daydreaming, snacks, red food dye, alone time, meaningful music, faeries, roleplaying games
Dislikes: Phones, relationships, the truth (lol)
Favorite things: Avatar: TLA, Eddie Izzard, Dungeons & Dragons, Maple Story, Gaia, Fushigi Yuugi, Bleach, Yuu Watase, Jell-O Surprise, Oreo Ice Cream Cake, Tortall, Diane Duane
You might know me otherwise as...
Gaia Christmas Art Contest Winner, Third Place(Special thanks to
Queen of Dragons for amazing coloring!)
Gaia Otakon Speed Art Contest, Round 1 Winner
Gaia Otakon Surprise Dinner With Lanzer Winner
Crazy Button Hat Girl With Video Camera @ Gaia Otakon InteractiveSay Hello To Gaia!Sorry, Photobucket's being cruel and unusual to my vids!
From the Court of Bright Summer
Quinth's account of faerie life under the rule of the newest King Aodhan. Fiddler's Green simply isn't what it used to be.
[GCD Lurker]
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