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Catch me over at Quatro arts and get yourself fabulousized!
(I do not Do OC's for Gaia gold!)

What say me!

What say me indeed? Who the heck am I and what am I all about (the shadow knows!)?
I scratch out a Gaian existence doing art. ALOT of art. I recently have had so much fun giving away art that I try to erect a freebie thread during every Gaia event. When I'm not slaving away at the art table for free, I'm filling my digital pockets with sales from QuatroArts. The shop has attracted some unique characters. The best customers in my art shop tend to be the Gaians that more than likely go bump in the night or my neighborhood Aekean mechanical mo'fos.
I like to dabble in psychology and find myself psychoanalyzing other Gaians in the midst of conversation. I believe dreams can be introspective but also think there are nights where that dream about teddy bears in cooking oil is nothing but just that.
I don't like answering questions I've already answered, but I do enjoy PMs that have something worth saying and mystery gifts from Anonymous benefactors. ninja I'm a voyeur for the avatar arena and am always looking for up and coming fashionistas in the Gaia world to inspire a new saucy look. I hang my hat over at QuatroArts, but can also be found giving my two cents in the
Art Discussion subforum or PicturePost.
I have an avid interest in the Gaia storyline and just general items, be they RIGs or the latest EI. I keep a good eye (as well as a comment or three) over in the
General Community Discussion

If you're a vampire or a mosquito we will more than likely not get along. Freakin' hate those things.

P.S. I'm a dirty dirty achievement whore. heart

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Proud supporter of Aekea


Viewing 12 of 64 friends


Lovely Quatro's Journal

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Hey hey, Quatro here ^-^ This journal is going to mainly be a spot to check up on whats going on in my daily of the Four, art jumbles and other Gaia related shenanigans.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/12/2022 10:07 pm


I still think about your art all the time. I hope youre out there still creating!
Beevil Blingy

Report | 08/04/2021 9:30 am

Beevil Blingy


Report | 08/10/2015 3:20 am


Happy Birthday, Q!
~Sparkling Diamonds~

Report | 07/05/2015 10:36 pm

~Sparkling Diamonds~

whee heart
Gym Leader Allachka

Report | 04/19/2015 12:15 pm

Gym Leader Allachka

I keep bugging Bert about meeting you, fyi!

Report | 04/13/2015 4:03 pm


eek eek eek whee whee 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh heart heart heart heart

Report | 03/21/2015 3:22 pm


Drejan Vith

Report | 09/30/2014 9:07 pm

Drejan Vith

blaugh thankie
How ya been? ^^ -hugs-
Drejan Vith

Report | 08/13/2014 2:29 pm

Drejan Vith

_hugs- good to see ya on ^^
Etheniel Devinuchi

Report | 08/13/2014 2:20 pm

Etheniel Devinuchi

You're on Gaia! <333

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