[b:4667abd1db][img:4667abd1db]http://i365.photobucket.com/albums/oo93/sora_lionheart_15/neko sora/KH__Neko_Sora_by_kissai.png[/img:4667abd1db]
I just adopted a Neko!
Name: Lucias
Likes: Me ^-^
Doesn't Like: N/A
Owner: Pyro-Furry
You can adopt one too!
Adopt me![/align:4667abd1db][/b:4667abd1db]
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one love ^^
sweet dreams im already missing you will call you tomorrow when you are awake.
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
I've missed you a lot really. How have you been?
But Is your name Beth?
and was your last account artist TNT?
If so,
Its me Alexa. From almost 2 years ago.
My old username was II Flapjack II and Blind Charmer.
And if not, Im sorry to bother you.