Well i'm a college student. Ihave the hopes that i will work for a major
animation company one day(or advertising company).
i've always like art and enjoyed it so I thought
that i could make a career out it.
I'm one of the rare gay christians out there...my
relationship with God is very important to me and
I know that God loves me regardless of my
sexuality. I'm open and accepting to other
faiths.(i accepted Jesus as my savior at 10 and
hit puberty at age 11 and turned out to be gay
...confused the crap out of me)
I enjoy art, reading, tv, movies, listening to
music, hangout with friend, exploring in nature
and watching animals, swimming, and going out to
eat/cooking for people(i like taking care of
My goals are :
To be the best person that i can be, and be
friends with the people i meet( i love to making new
friends) but i don't take any s**t from people
either( i respond to kindness and respect...the
mutual kind).
Be successful.
Find the right guy to love and then marry.(no
smokers....can't take it)
i would love to adopt children one day.
live a long happy life.
and make the best of what life throws my way.
....may have left something out.....so ask me
about it if i did.
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