Oh no no, I didn't have to move or anything.XD Halloween was moved because of it.>W< I was near it but it didn't hit me bad or anything. Just a few knocked down trees but other places got it a whole lot worse though.>.<
Aw that kind of sucks but hey thats family.DX At least you have some familiy to spend it with.C:
Yesh they would but maybe even day or I'm sure they won't get all of it in on go either.>W< The places that would stick would extremely frustrating.>.<
Oh that sounds like.biggrin I couldn't do anything really cause of that hurricane and Halloween got moved then it snowed and it got moved again, then I just didn't really care for it anymore.>W<
Yea I know I'm gonna have to do it again eventually.T.T
lol Well it s not about the presents honestly, its about just spending time with your family or people that you love.
Though present are always welcomed but not needed really.X3
It would be very mean if someone were to pore sap on someone as a joke. I would feel sooooooooooooooooooooooo bad for them.>W< Cause just have that stuff on your hands sucks but then your whole body?!....I don't even want to imagine the irritation of that.>.<
lol Its alright.XD
Ish cool and I hope you had a good one too.^o^ Also Happy Holidays to you too.^-^
Oh yea we got snow one day and it stuck surprisingly.>W< So I had shovel......Q~Q Hate shoveling~> W<
Nope, I don't buy presents.o 3o Though I may do a few drawings and give them as presents.>W<
That is if I work up the motivation to draw again also find a pencil to draw with and some paper.XD
Gots a tree though.o 3o
The sap got stuck on me hands and it was so hard to get off!>.<
Yesh I saw and me is a cheap person.o3o Didn't know you HAD to pay at first to play, thought it was free-to-play then able to buy later.XD
Plus laptop old so not really confident in buying a game, that has CHANCE of not working or working slowly.>w<
lol Take your time as I understand the laziness.X333
Yesh the weather is darn odd.>< It was hot one second then turned cold and windy all of sudden.>3<
I mean what the heck Mother Nature make up ya mind!!!.>W<
Is that a yay?o wo
lol Yea I read about it just now. Quite popular, suprise I never heard of it honestly.XD Though ew, that your able to spend so much money on it as thats kind of going to make it hard to compete though I guess I'll play it for fun like any other game or try to until I see I can't really win anymore.XD
I'm sure your gorgeous Lin.<3
Yesh they are but now I am real hot.XD So heater is off at the moment but I'm sure its going to get cold again for like no reason then I gotta turn back on and hide under the covers again.XD
lol I know right, GO AWAY YOU FAKE SUMMER!!> 3<
Oh yea, thats happened a lot to me. ._. Though I uploaded some of them to site before me laptop had to get wiped. Though I was alittle upset when I didn't see some of them on the site even though I could have sworn I uploaded them.>w<
I do like them but I just don't like when its "whoever buys the most cards wins." type of thing. Though I really loved Yu-gi-oh video games when I was little. Loved building decks then battling my older bother with them.^-^
Yea its been doing the same here. Got the heater on blast right now.>biggrin So...COME AT ME WINTER~ I'm ready.3nodding
lol I'm sure I will though I'll be careful next time.c:
Yea, I wasn't really mad about losing the phone, it was mostly the content I had on their that I really wanted. ._.
lol Ah I actually didn't play it. I saw it a couple of times but never really downloaded it. owo Though since you seem to love it, I'll get it when I get a new phone eventually.c:
Yea winter is coming, but it hasn't really been cold. Its mostly been raining over here. Lots and lots of rain or showers out of the blue.XD
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