SkyeHi, everybody my name is Skye, but you can eiether call me Skye,Moon,Emo or Wolf; i mean it doesnt really matter as long as you just call me one of them.
My Favourite things to do or my hobbies are writing poetry,writing songs and my story that im writing called Skye:The Beginng. Also i love to go Horseback Riding, painting and skateborading is MY LIFE!! Also writing ym songs, being emo and also writing poetry, ohand art is my LIFE too!!
My Favourite Books are The Twilight Saga, The Immortal Series,The Art of Racing in the Rain, Wings, and My own books that i wrote and the one that im writing MYSELF!
My Favourite Music is Metal,Emo,Goth, some country and japanece pop! It ROCKS!! lol
My Favourite Shows are, H2O just add water,along for the ride,Black Beauty,Zoo Diaries
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