Psychedelic Medic's avatar

Last Login: 12/26/2017 8:17 pm

Gender: Male

Location: Michigan

Birthday: 04/24

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I'm moving to Mackinac Island.

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Another Strange Dream

A dream i had a few nights ago.

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Orgasmic-Memi Report | 04/28/2015 11:53 am
Thank you for the trade. emotion_kirakira
Hypothetical Situation Report | 04/28/2015 10:11 am
Hypothetical Situation
Thank you very much!
Gemini StarCharm Report | 04/25/2015 10:21 pm
Gemini StarCharm
You're a very kind soul... thank you.
If there's anything I can do in return, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Shatthid Report | 04/24/2015 11:09 pm
Oh my.. what a generous young man. you just came out of nowhere and suddenly give randomly via trade. srsly, I feel bad for accepting your kindness. redface thank you very much. crying smile
Gemini StarCharm Report | 04/24/2015 10:06 pm
Gemini StarCharm
Medic! You're incredibly generous, but I'd feel really bad if I couldn't give you something in return.
I don't want to accept the trade without being able to give you something too.
Chemical Derp Report | 04/24/2015 3:49 pm
Chemical Derp
thank you once again heart
Chemical Derp Report | 04/24/2015 3:41 pm
Chemical Derp
awhh your too kind
Chemical Derp Report | 04/24/2015 3:40 pm
Chemical Derp
Hey thank you for the trade but I can't possibly accept ^0^
1Sunder Report | 04/24/2015 1:47 pm
wow thank you heart
User 37838595 Report | 04/22/2015 7:48 pm
User 37838595
thanks surprised

I have a p***s... I'm pretty sure it's a p***s- Ya it's a p***s.[/align:e3785a7930]
When you wish upon a falling star, Your dreams can come true. Unless it's really a meteorite hurling to the earth, which will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much ******** no matter what you wish for... Unless it's death by meteor.[/align:e3785a7930]


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