Hello there, you are now sexy because you viewed my profile you sexy person you!My name is Lio and im 19 years old, one look at me and you will think "why does this guy have a gaia account?" well i did used to be the football frat boy type in high school but honestly, on the inside im quite the nerd XD
I aboslutely adore Halo and all of its story line, i love to read their books.. Im also a pokemon lover! ever since i saw it a five and had my first pomeon game at seven i have been hooked! with aging i have gotten out of the series however i play the video games with the same intensity XD
I love tortas! dont even ask what it is, if you havent eaten one then get your sorry a** to a nearby mexican food joint (and i mean a real one, not that taco bell bullshit) and get yourself one of these god given delectables of love XD
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