First and foremost, I'm happily married to a guy and straight. So please know that I'm not here to Role play, or to find someone to love. I also not into women, sorry but I get way too many women who try to crack onto me. So please STOP. I love my husband and that's it.
I'm a huge huge Elvis fan and everyone should know that by now. lol.
I especially love the 70's and his Jumpsuits..
Please know that I only make friends with people that I know,
So get to know me first, before you send me a friends request.
The stuff you see in my huge Wish list isn't for me. I put it there to help me buy when I need to give out as prizes in my Charity .
Rather than writing it down, it's all there, so each event I just go to my wish list and buy from there.
So please know that if you do send me a gift from my wish list, it goes towards my Charity.
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i hope you are well. it has been a while. best wishes x cat_smile
so even if you're taking care of Mom, please take care of yourself too. emotion_bigheart emotion_hug
Thank you Orphie.
gaia will always be here when you get back. irl stuff comes first.
currently sick myself but i'm getting over it so yay! hopefully i'll be
back to being fully okay by the end of the week.