Prince Ash I

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Last Login: 12/19/2016 12:02 am

Occupation: Student


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Hello! I am Prince Ash the First. You can also call me Prince, Ash, or some other royal variation of my username. Some may remember me as Zu Anar.

I'm a former theatre major, now cosmetologist, who just can't seem to permanently let go of Gaia.
I'm not on Gaia as much as I used to be but I still like talking to people, making friends and, of course, changing my avatar. I also enjoy artsy things such as singing, dance, acting, and drawing.
Also, I am male.

I consider myself a good listener. I really do enjoy hearing what people have to say, whether it be on a specific topic or just how they are feeling in a given moment.

I'm pretty easy to get along with but I'm not too fond of overly negative people. It isn't always as easy as it sounds but please try and stay positive! heart


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Ash Blond

It's just whatever.


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Organik Smiles Report | 05/15/2013 11:51 pm
Organik Smiles
great actually (: ! it was my 21st birthday on monday ! and i had to work evidently but i went out the past two nights and just had a great great time with family ! how about you ?
Organik Smiles Report | 05/15/2013 11:38 pm
Organik Smiles
and you as well !!
Organik Smiles Report | 05/15/2013 11:25 pm
Organik Smiles
Organik Smiles Report | 03/31/2013 9:12 pm
Organik Smiles
lol ! mines just always blonde (: i bet your hair looks awesome !
Organik Smiles Report | 03/31/2013 4:23 pm
Organik Smiles
eek post of pic of your new hair !
Organik Smiles Report | 03/07/2013 9:09 pm
Organik Smiles
i hear you on the whole relationship deal ): sadly i don't have any time for one at all. lol, i've had this girl waiting for me for like months ): and i honestly don't think either of us are actually ready to be in a relationship. we do act like a couple tho which is pretty scary xD.
Organik Smiles Report | 03/07/2013 10:43 am
Organik Smiles
amazing (: ! how's everything with you ?
Organik Smiles Report | 03/05/2013 7:01 pm
Organik Smiles
hay their blondie.
Sweet Little Darlings Report | 01/24/2013 9:24 pm
Sweet Little Darlings
Aww, Happy Birthday sweetie. I hope you enjoy it. Your avi is gorgeous as always
HARMZ_sh Report | 10/06/2012 2:20 am
love your avi


My life is one big faux pas.

Formerly known as Zu Anar.

Old ATer from back in the day.

Random PMs are nice.