Why yes I have a FB! Just tell me if you want add me!
biggrin (Warning: I might not add you depending on who you are!)
don't click this link...
Oh you know, my silly crazy friends xD

So this is my most recent art request~ It was drawn by Crazy_Cassidy15
biggrin Now this is actually my first group art~ Its super special and I love it!! It me, Nika-Sensei, Lapin Nightray and my brother (Blackwerebear) in the background
biggrin You guys should buy some art from her too~ http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/crazy_cassidy15/18965595/

ok this time this was drawn by a friend too! its so ******** epic her pro is full of awesome stuff too! so check it out and her shop!!! i got this for free too~
stare no i am not cheap!!!! it was really nice of her to give it to me for free tho!
isnt it just too sexy for your eyes? it might just burn!!
her art shop link >>> http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/art-shops-and-requests/sickly-sweet-art-shoppe-open/t.57630471/
help out a fellow gaia member she needs orders! but please do NOT over work her!!!!!
wait sorry i forgot about the link to her pro~
OMG super awesome pic! thanks Nicole!

my names on it!! look for it or ill kill you!! >.< *indie is my nickname! <3

i did not draw this! my friend kykou did!
btw check out her pro its full of WOWZA stuff! xD
shes awesome she drew this more me for free! >.< its so awesome!
heres the link to the girl who drew this awesome art!

this is a different version created by bakachan2012 lol its still the same art pic its just been um modified i guess! xD haha its still pretty awesome!
*Are not cry babies
*Do not always wear black
*Can be very nice people
*Don't always cut themselves
*Are not always depressed
*Can be happy too
(Put this on your profile if you agree with this.)
The sun and wind had an argument over who was stronger. They decided to settle it by seeing who could separate a traveler from his coat. The wind blew hard and trees shook, but the traveler held his coat tightly. Then the sun shone brightly so the traveler felt its warmth. As the sun continued to shine the traveler eventually took off his coat. Think about it.
You say PINK
You say Zac Effron
I say eww
You say Paris Hilton
Silence O_O
You say Rock
I say other
You say Hannah Montana
I say wtf?
you say im weird
i say im different
Friends (there are so many!), Family, nice people, kind of evil people, crude/lewd/dark humor (depends on my mood), writing (check my journal for some examples! Havent written anything lately though), manga, anime, movies, Asian people. people who are awesome at drawing, sleeping all the time, watching Asian or American films, slacking off, being an otaku (manga and anime nerd!), learning something new about Asians, nice Asian people, doing Asian things,

98% of Gaians don't know the difference between your and you're. If your one of the 2% that...
...... CRAP.
(A white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK " "When I grew up I was BLACK, " "When I'm sick I'm BLACK, " "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, " "When I'm cold I'm BLACK, " "When I die I'll be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you are born you're PINK". "When you grow up you're WHITE, " "When you're sick, you're GREEN, " "When you go in the sun you turn RED, " "When you're cold you turn BLUE, " "And when you die you turn PURPLE. "And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away.. Put this on your page if you HATE racism.!)
You know where theres this stereotype where Asians are suppose to be short? Well im not short im actually pretty tall for my age! What im trying to say is that i hate it when people call me "Short" Jerks >>
people who dont tip (cheap people), pink, mean people, haters, annoying people, people who are flat out douches, spammers, hackers, people who ask for gold (UNLESS YOUR MY FRIEND!), stalkers (wait no jk i love stalkers as long as there nice xD), rude people, loud talkers, hypocrites, perverts!! *cough* *cough* >>
and last but not least!
>///////< its not funny even Ronald McDonald scares me! someone needs to shoot him!!
Current mood:

Nicknames: Indie (no i will not tell u my real name unless i trust you)
Born: April, 28 19** (Spring)
Age: stalker much? jk jk Im under 20! =o=
Height: either 5'4 or 5'5?
Hair: short and black (and im loving it!
biggrin )
Eye color: brown
Personality: i can be nice, really funny, perverted (jokes), nerdy,freaky/stupid/"special", super proud of being Asian and just plain weird! xD
Favorite color: black, gray, any shade of blue, and white.
Occupation: waitress and student.
Asian Section! >3
(I steal panda pic's when i see them >>)

Pandas are awesome!!!
3nodding Im Taiwanese <3 That makes me 100% Asian

(i can speak English, Mandarin and Taiwanese, yes there is a difference) and a little bit of everything else! xD

BTW IF YOUR ASIAN ADD MEH WE SHOULD CHAT! :3 But when your adding me please state that you are Asian and anything else you think i should know.

One really important thing you should know about me! I'm a vegetarian! Ok i know what your thinking, "Eww I bet its just tofu and some vegetables! Gross!"
Sure being a vegetarian our diet consists of vegetables and tofu but theres other things too~ Like soy protein! Theres a lot of other stuff too. Plus you can only stay a vegetarian for so long if you know what your doing. Ive heard many of cases of people lacking protein because there a vegetarian. No offense but thats only because they dont know what their doing. My mom has a been a vegetarian for about 7 years shes doing great. She absolutely knows what shes doing. Her health is amazing and her dental records? AMAZING! Shes also part of the reason why I even became a vegetarian. My brother is too.
I recently became a vegetarian after i went to Taiwan this summer (June- July 2010 about 2 and a half weeks) That was the most trip amazing ever. I hope to go back in a few years with my friends. My friends were so jealous when i told them about my trip when i got back. (I love you Nika, Luna and Gabby! xD) And of course i brought back souvenirs and candy.
Another really important thing about me. I dont believe in god. Im an atheist. Now im not saying there might be something greater than us, humans. Im saying i dont believe "god" created us. I dont have a single problem with religious people unless there screaming "DAMNATION" or something along that line at me. There are not saints and there are no sinners. Ok you might be thinking "Your asian doesnt that mean you believe in like Buddha and things likes that." Thanks a lot stereotypical b*****d. Not all asians believe in Buddha some believe in god that doesnt surprise me at all. Just dont be all in my face about god thats all i ask. Dont patronize me and i wont patronize you, simple enough?
I like to draw, cook, clean, reading a good book and on my spare time i am watching so much anime i practically dream about them in my sleep or reading manga! xD
During summer time and Sundays i work at a cafe. My job is a waitress its not hard and i enjoy being there to spend my free time.
I love to listen to music as you can see in my interest box thingy xD and the list is still going on!
3nodding I have a dark sense of humor. I enjoy other things that arent necessarily "dark" i enjoy other humorous things as well.
I love to clean my room for no particular reason I just clean for fun but only when im bored... and im bored pretty much 24/7! my room is so sparky clean that i cant look directly at anything thats shiny! or else ill be blind! *0*

Latest update : March 12, 2012 (Monday)
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