Other Info: biggrin
Hai~ I'm Pomegranate_Rain, but you can call me Rain or Pom for short ^^. I love art- all forms of the word- and I'm obsessed with other countries and languages.
Konichiwa, Guten Tag, Ciao, Hola and so on smile
I want to travel the world some day ^^
Yes! I am Mormon! biggrin I will answer any questions you have if you have any at all :3
The answer to the question: Whats up is:
-the sky
-the clouds
-the moon
-the universe
-a bird sitting on a lamp post xD
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I made that deadly lemonade again, this time in a cranberry/raspberry tea form!!
Oh, nothing much.
School, mostly. whee
What's new with you~?
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to PomPom,
Happy birthday to you!
*squeezles* I'll be sure to glomp you at school. ^_^
And I know they're cool. I'z the JUKEBOX HERO!!