
I m random, kewl, smart, funny, and a total bookworm. I love rollar-coasters, movies, music (hip-hop, pop, rap). Hablas Espanol (that isn't correct without the accents but my keyboard doesn't have them). Kinda. That's all you need to know.



Random Stuff

This is my journal were I will write many things. I plan to write stories here also so..... make up your own work!!!! I have no problem with you reading and commenting... but absolutely NO STEALING!!!!!!!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/31/2009 10:10 am


actually more like 180 days and the warriors aren't gonna get old stare

Report | 09/17/2009 8:56 pm


i really want the summoning tome
im a kewl person

Report | 08/27/2009 8:26 am

im a kewl person

hey wassup?
im a kewl person

Report | 08/22/2009 5:37 pm

im a kewl person

yah i kno....
but theyr all so expensive for a poor person like mi.... crying
im a kewl person

Report | 08/21/2009 6:08 pm

im a kewl person

oh... ok
im running out of avis 2 do.......
need sum ideas...
do u hav any?
im a kewl person

Report | 08/20/2009 5:49 pm

im a kewl person

how do u earn munny so quickly???
im still poor crying

Report | 08/20/2009 11:58 am


My friend told me to tell all of my friends this. If someone named j_neutron07 or umakesmefeelgood wants to add you as a friend, don't accept. It's a virus. Tell all of your friends because if someone on your list adds them, you will get it too. It's a hard drive killer and almost impossible to stop. Please pass this on to everyone on your list. We need to find out who it is using these accounts.Sorry for the inconvenience. Copy and paste this to everyone you know! We have to stop this!
Chartreuse Moose

Report | 08/17/2009 10:14 am

Chartreuse Moose

You avi is done and in the shop
Link to shop: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/the-dressing-room/free-tektek-shop/t.53437189_1/#7

Report | 08/13/2009 9:37 am


hey hi cool pro

Report | 08/08/2009 11:20 am


i have no idea who u r


In the silence,
all the details suddenly fell into place for me,
with a burst of intuition.
Something Edward didn't want me to know.
something that Jacob wouldn't have kept from me....

It was never going to end, was it?
-Stephine Meyer, EclispeUser Image