
polarbearchan's avatar

Birthday: 03/26


heyo ~ names Sakura ! it's been a while, huh.
been here since 09, but you could probably tell, hmm.
{hmm, there isn't really anything else i can say, haha.}
if you're curious about me- talk to me ! chances are i wanna talk to you too !! lifes too short to be unfriendly, and i promise i dont bite <3
{my interests tho, oof, theres too many-- lets talk about it ~}
{and my wishlist- ignore it? its so long bc what im looking for or what i want later is dumped there lol & what i'm prioritizing is in my signature ~ you're welcome to peep either way- but, like, its long !!}
thats probably about it ... oh, have some tea or spaghetti while you're here !! heart

take a seat, sit down for a spell
ya girl is back
its time to LOL

please actually try to talk to me before sending random friend requests


im prone to being on hiatus but i'll come back...
...eventually xp


(edit: i'm too lazy ? horrified ?? disturbed ??? to edit my old 'about me' below, but my interests are still pretty true to this day- and k i just realized how weird of a child i was when i first made this account.
.....yeah, the stuff below was written when i first joined Gaia, so ignore it if you wanna, *//Shot i was, like, 10- gimmie a break
its ANCIENT HISTORY. NO NEED TO EVER BE REVEALED BUT ITS STILL THERE keeping it here to forever shame my child self tsk tsk wyd on the internet lol) but also bc lmao that sh*ts funny


Theres nothing really useful here, i promise
promise !!!
c'mon, you gotta believe me!!
mr obwama swir pwease
Okay LMAO u asked for it~
you've come this far anyway
time for you to see the fruits of your labor
you reap what you sow~
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hey peoplz!! Sakura here!! lolz and I have come to eat all your icecream!!! hahahahaha!!! No, im just kidding but you wouldnt mind sharing some right? lol anyway... I have nothing else to do so I just wanted to edit my profile a little bit. lol (I think iI have used lol 5 times already.hahaha and I bet your counting now or was just counting =3) anyway... Ill talk about myself and some of my interests because some people are probably thinkin, what the heck is wrong with this girl? shes really weird and her intrest section dosent make no sense, but its not like i give a peice of s**t to that crap anyway... im proud of being an azn and being weird because its just like what my cousin says, A world without weird people is like vanilla ice cream without the sprinkles... and its my brothers fault im swearing so much, blame it on him because its rubbed off on me =3 lol. Im getting a little off topic so anyway, ill tell you a little bit about myself, (if I get off topic, its because Im listing to anime music =P)

I just love art!! I love drawing, painting and colouring and im very artistic- even ask my friend krispycake.
I love music.~ I play the violin, guitar and piano and I also love singing (and I can sing, like a boss ^^)
Love video games. 'Nuff said.
Love anime
Love Pokémon ^U^
Love playing tetris
I don't dislike anything in particular, except rude nosy people. Srsly, people.
I have a 'when I feel like it' fear of balloons
I love sweets

Don't have anything else to say.. wanna know anything else 'bout me. just ask. : )

Ohkayy then! Ima wrap this up now- short and sweet ^^ If your interested in me, well, IDK. No hard feelings to anyone, and anyone is welcomed to be my friend. If you have any comments questions or concerns, feel free to leave me a comment on my profile or just pm me okay? I'm always willing to be friends if you want, so don't be shy to talk to me~!

Bye for now!


~サクラ月読 (aka Sakura Tsukiyomi =D)



its just my old profile LOL
what did you expect?

maybe ill put actual art or something entertaining here
next time :p


Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour. If you haven't met him yet, ask me about how I met him.


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i just realized i dont have my interests posted up
but like
its too tedious to fix whats already been written
or maybe im just lazy like how i didnt want to delete my old profile about me lmao
just ask me about it
bet i probably have similar interests as you
especially since i dabble in alot of things
and we're both on gaia
arent we?~


maybe ill put some art here ~
next time haha



View All Comments

LaneyRae Report | 12/23/2019 10:17 pm
awe thank you emotion_kirakira emotion_bigheart
darkpolarbearkun Report | 12/14/2019 12:40 pm

did i ask ?
smolbunnie Report | 12/04/2019 6:28 pm
gaia_nitemareleft hihi love yum_puddi been a while since ive gotten on I have to change my avi TuT also all the picture links on my profile broke so I have to update that sometime … how are you~~ gaia_nitemareright
darkpolarbearkun Report | 11/28/2019 12:36 am

... tf is wrong with u
Q–(’̀-’̀Q )

darkpolarbearkun Report | 11/28/2019 12:26 am

...why tf you laughin so loud
whos mans is this ??

cxnsxrshxp Report | 11/25/2019 7:48 pm
He hacked the server and cheated. I’m convinced XDD And no way am I doing that nonsense again. I spent so much time on that forum.

And I have 7 tattoos. The ones on my arm are of a velociraptor, an umbrella, and then the lover/loser thing from the IT movie.
Then I also have the Sagittarius symbol on my hand, a snake on my ankle, the words “golden boy” on my a**, and then two cherubs on my chest under my collar bones.
My family also hates tattoos but I’m 21 so there isn’t much they can do about it.
cxnsxrshxp Report | 11/25/2019 8:33 am
Haha yeah! We were spamming the hell out of that forum lol. I just gave up after a while.... I can’t believe that person won twice in a row !!
crispyp0tat0es Report | 11/25/2019 3:46 am
I check in wid Gaia occasionally, sometimes just to claim daily chance lel
Oh yep totally lets play Zomg! Can only play on a saturday heh
But I might be rlly active dis coming semester break December 20 ish

Aaaa imagine the new designs! Outfits! Themezz
crispyp0tat0es Report | 11/19/2019 3:49 am
How are youuu
yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_puddi

I know like IT Feels Unreal
Cant wait for the new MCR eraa
smolbunnie Report | 10/12/2018 3:21 pm
gaia_nitemareleft true! oo blue is a good colour. blue/white or blue/gold? both are nice idk what I have though;;; either is good I think gaia_nitemareright


feel free to talk to me! Im always happy to make new friends!~

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