Poetic Progression

Poetic Progression's avatar

Last Login: 01/01/2012 3:35 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 01/24/1994

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This is me.

There must be a million Brians out there in our not-so-small world, but I'm pretty sure not a single one of them is anything like me. While not the strongest physically, I try to make up for it with my sharp mind and my creativity -- I aspire to be a published novelist and poet, teaching English on the side. I also play piano, and I plan on taking up bass guitar and then cello, expressing myself through sound. I am a senior due to graduate in 2012, a man who loves his friends and treats his boys like brothers. If you feel like chatting about anything, just hit me up!


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ReignOblytehria Report | 01/24/2012 8:21 am
you know how the rest goes....
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/11/2011 2:11 pm
hmm, for andreas vollenwieder, I'd say glass hall, that song put me to sleep all the time, and if i wasnt sleeping i was dancing to it. and Keiko Matsui, Light above the trees, see if you can find the album version, the live i dont know all too well.
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/11/2011 9:27 am
I love them! I cant go without listening to instrumentals. Rap instrumentals orchestra's. things like that. Andreas Vollenwieder, I've been listening to him since I was a baby. He's one of the reasons I learned how to play the violin and the cello. he works so much in the 1 song, it took me so long to learn it, and I'm still putting tweaks on it to make it better. oh and Keiko Matsui, she does some good instrumentals too.
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/10/2011 9:49 pm
I dont really have one, My mind races on what I want to listen to all the time.My heart chooses what it wants, I cant help that ^//^
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/08/2011 5:36 am
all but metal and country, those are the only things I cant deal with, lol
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/06/2011 5:44 pm
I dont have the luxury either, i get lucky when my brothers in town, I take all his studio time, and he's a song writer too, so hey. you get what you can right?
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/06/2011 6:32 am
Which do you mean, stories or music? either way I'll tell you both, generally for stories, I write Fantasies and/or erotica as some like to say, Tragedies I'm good at too, and I'll write a comedy from time to time. but for music, I write about true problem, world hunger and pain of those who dont speak up, suicidal teenagers and teen mothers. things that go along the lines that never get looked into you know? I can flip a whole situation and make you look at it upside down, and still make sense.
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/04/2011 12:04 pm
its been good, I've been ghost writing for some artists, its been fun, although its hard not telling who...
ReignOblytehria Report | 09/03/2011 8:27 pm
hello mister, we may not talk much, but i notice when people come back, so welcome back ^//^
Chiharu Kamizaki Report | 08/14/2011 10:28 pm
Chiharu Kamizaki
I haven't seen heard or heard from you in the longest time. How goes it?


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