Name: Amanda
Age: 728 ( 18 )
Orientation: Bi
Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights
Eye Color: Hazel
Religion: Wiccan >=D
Status: Taken…^^ and happy
>=O Hewwo ^^ I ish Amanda; I like to be random and do random things. =O COOKIE MAHNKEY!!!! I ish zee Freshman at Northwest Community College. I ish not actually 28, so I’m not to old to be on gaia. I’m a Wiccan and I have been for many years now and I love my religion. I’m a hell of a person to debate with so if you want to debate…guess what…>=D BRING IT OOONNNN!!!! Hrm…can’t think of anything else right now…I’ll add more later. Hehe =3 mew mew
Mah Journal ^^
Oh Yeah!!! - Kool-Aid Man
O: Random stuffles
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