To Thomas Ketland of Birmingham
It was a long time ago, when I was just a lad. My father told me on his death bed, "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." Those words will stick with me all the days of my life. Even through this dreaded night. It is the night of August 29, 1723, a storm is approaching from the east. The calm air is being
interrupted by frequent gusts that smell like fresh rain and the waves are thrashing against the side of my ship. In the horizon I can see another ship that looks as if it may be British. As we get closer I can see that it is indeed of the British army. It is now August 30, 1723. As we raise our flag we hear a loud boom in the keel of our ship. We have been hit. As the storm blows hard I am ending this message. I will see you in Port Royal if I live through this dreaded night.
Your friend,
Jonathan Denney of Port Royal
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