~Daily Rambling~
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Pirate_of_your_Heart's Ship Log
This be the ship log of de Shadow Envoy, me pirate ship. It's purpose is to entertain me on de open seas when all de other crewmates have gone and liquored themselves up and fallen overboard.
*throws all stuff in this box*
~~Drawings done by me~~
If you'd like to look at some more go to http://www.marriland.com/oekaki/ and type in crystaldrakkonia
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
Wind Waker Link in Outset Island Outfit
Week of May 19th
End of the week rating: 6.890 out of 10
Placement: None
Stitch ~*
Week of May 26th
End of week rating: 7.6959 out of 10
Placement: 264 out of about 4000
Pictures of-a-me!
Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine
Screenshots of me in game! Wooo~!
Just me and Haya hangin' out in the Docks, listening to King Tarasque yell about those dang kids.The girls of clan Fracture, Logan seems to be pretty distracted. Probably forgot to turn off the oven at home or something, lol.DANCE OR DIE event. *dances out of fear* o_o;
Nudist Parade in Shinjuku Babel a while back. Me and a few clannies joined out of amusement.
say words here
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We must be friends. = u=
You probably dont remember me, but I remembered when you helped me when...I was a noob? xD I think you gave me money. Something like that, I dunno. All I know is that your were helpful :3. Oh and nice avis. You always have cool ones.