oh ya thats so retarded well thats just meh blaughblaughblaughblaughblaughblaughcoolmrgreenmrgreenmrgreenmrgreenmrgreenmrgreenmrgreenninja4laughroflpiratecheese_whinedramallamawahmbulanceemo
I found the cutest picture on my friends profile and sorta wanted something similar and I am sucker for art. I was wondering what your rates were so I could pay you?3nodding
Im throwing out pleas for gold. im trying to save up for the Fall of the Evening star, i know its expensive but i REALLY want it. any donations would be greatly appreciated. <3 thank you
okay I think I have one but I'm not sure but I'll let you tell me if it is or not.
one day I desided to go for a walk and I stoped over by the park near my house so I could change my mp3's batter as I was changeing it these guys started yelling at me saying some pretty mean things so I just rolleyes icnored them and started to walk away. I didn't hear them yelling at me after I entered the grave yard but I went to the grave keepers work shop and told him that some guys were yelling at me before I got there and I asked him to keep an eye out for anything weird. he smiled at me and told me he would as I countedued to walk around the grave yard one of them had to have seen me or my mind was playing tricks on me but as soon as I saw them I ran all the way back to the grave keepers shop and asked for help he told me to hide as he called the cops after I hide they were looking for me but couldn't find me so they asked the grave keeper if he had seen me he said no but he did see a dead boy walk by not to long ago and he described how I was dressed they looked at the grave keeper funny until he told them where I should have been baread. ever since then the gravekeeper and I have been friends for he got to scare the living puu out of them.
hehe I would have done the same thing my half brothers father gave me a snaping turtle I took good care of her until she was to big for me to care for so I let her go to do what ever she pleased back in the waters from which she came. hehe
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one day I desided to go for a walk and I stoped over by the park near my house so I could change my mp3's batter as I was changeing it these guys started yelling at me saying some pretty mean things so I just rolleyes icnored them and started to walk away. I didn't hear them yelling at me after I entered the grave yard but I went to the grave keepers work shop and told him that some guys were yelling at me before I got there and I asked him to keep an eye out for anything weird. he smiled at me and told me he would as I countedued to walk around the grave yard one of them had to have seen me or my mind was playing tricks on me but as soon as I saw them I ran all the way back to the grave keepers shop and asked for help he told me to hide as he called the cops after I hide they were looking for me but couldn't find me so they asked the grave keeper if he had seen me he said no but he did see a dead boy walk by not to long ago and he described how I was dressed they looked at the grave keeper funny until he told them where I should have been baread. ever since then the gravekeeper and I have been friends for he got to scare the living puu out of them.