- Last Login
- 01/16/2009 1:13 pm
- Total Posts
- 8
- Posts Per Day
- 0.00
- Member Since
- 10/27/2007
- Gender
- Male
- Birthday
- 06/28/1993
- Favorite Movies/Anime
- i like blade tridgy naruto movie 1 2 3 hawk down blod dimand epic movie blades of glory.
- Favorite TV Shows
- sweet life of zak and cody drak and josh blade naruto bleach robot chikin famlly gi iyuasha blood full metal alcolist da hack south park.death nonat.
- Favorite Music/Bands
- panic at the disko linkinpark greenday nickil bak piller frontline disturbed.
- Hobbies/Interests
- i like t.v. swimming reading sleeping playing video games and ovcors gaia
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