Either way I probably wouldn't have. If I hadn't been having such an awful day I probably would have just said something like "No, sorry, questing for something at the moment." LOL
And yeah, I'll add ya probably when I get a chance to. Haven't logged in much at all lately. Too busy... @.@
Yes, getting hacked really does suck. Like I said, it has happened to me before, too and I lost everything. I tend to donate more to people I get to know a little more on here.
My downfall is that I think everyone is bad in the beginning, so if I don't know them and they ask me for something I feel offended. Anyway, I reacted worse than normal, so I apologize for that. Normally I would just say no or something but I'll admit I had a pretty bad day, and you got the brunt of it.
I wish you luck in getting your stuff back, and maybe we could even get to be friends. I'm questing for something right now, but if we talk more and stuff, once I finally get my item (it's taking forever) I might be able to help a bit. If not, it's all good, after all, we kinda got off on the wrong foot, but if so I'm willing.
This crap coming from the person who calls me "immature?" And "people like me?" What have I done wrong other than tell you "no," I wonder?
Okay, so, let me get this straight: you're telling me that you're this super rich person who has a bunch of mules prancing around as noobs asking for help. Really classy.
I knew that it was a mule, which is why I responded the way I did. You want to know what's really sad? People like you, who already have way more than they already need on one account who go around trying to scam others by trying to make them believe they are noobs. I've been screwed over by people like you before, and while I'm all for helping people, I'm not that stupid and naive anymore.
Don't feed me this bull about how you were just "testing" me. I don't see you as the type of honest person that just goes around fighting for the rights of all newbies anywhere. If anything you would have taken what I'd given you (just as that last person did) and gone on you're merry way. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you're that very same person. And it's pathetic how you can justify yourself even after all of this and call yourself "nice and better than I".
I have been hacked before and lost everything, so I know what it's like. You've worked harder than me to get stuff on here? Probably. Honestly, to me, going from stranger to stranger asking for items without extending so much as a "hello" and "would you like to be my friend" first would seem like a lot of nerve-wracking work to me and I would never be able to do it. The way I prefer to do it seems like less work to me. To each his own though.
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm... Can I buy you something from your wish list? Of course I can! But I won't. What was that? You wanna know why I won't? Well, since you asked, I'd be happy to tell you! First off, I don't know you. That being said, the fact that you asked me like this out of the blue actually tells me a lot about you. You're a pathetic excuse for a person. Going around begging for items when you have no intention of ever helping anyone else. Everything I have, I've worked for! Maybe you should try it some time.
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And yeah, I'll add ya probably when I get a chance to. Haven't logged in much at all lately. Too busy... @.@
My downfall is that I think everyone is bad in the beginning, so if I don't know them and they ask me for something I feel offended. Anyway, I reacted worse than normal, so I apologize for that. Normally I would just say no or something but I'll admit I had a pretty bad day, and you got the brunt of it.
I wish you luck in getting your stuff back, and maybe we could even get to be friends. I'm questing for something right now, but if we talk more and stuff, once I finally get my item (it's taking forever) I might be able to help a bit. If not, it's all good, after all, we kinda got off on the wrong foot, but if so I'm willing.
Okay, so, let me get this straight: you're telling me that you're this super rich person who has a bunch of mules prancing around as noobs asking for help. Really classy.
I knew that it was a mule, which is why I responded the way I did. You want to know what's really sad? People like you, who already have way more than they already need on one account who go around trying to scam others by trying to make them believe they are noobs. I've been screwed over by people like you before, and while I'm all for helping people, I'm not that stupid and naive anymore.
Don't feed me this bull about how you were just "testing" me. I don't see you as the type of honest person that just goes around fighting for the rights of all newbies anywhere. If anything you would have taken what I'd given you (just as that last person did) and gone on you're merry way. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you're that very same person. And it's pathetic how you can justify yourself even after all of this and call yourself "nice and better than I".