Hi! I am Perrie Dott. I used to be Lyka Mai
But after I came across
this I fell in love with it right away
and thought I want my avatar to be just like that girl in the picture.
xp I have been in Gaia since 2008. My friend
QIXI introduced me to this virtual world and I got hooked with it instantly!
I remember back in my early Gaia days I would hop from town after town
to literally shake tress, bushes and stones for gold!
rofl It was actually fun, except my fingers hurt from non-stop clicking of the mouse.
I even gathered garbage to have them exchanged for a nice item in the shop
like the paper crown and that cute cat band.
Now I have a decent way of earning gold which is hosting art shops.
I am not currently hosting one but my friend QIXI and I
are gonna put up a joint art shop very soon.
So that is where most of my time in Gaia will be spent on.
I love drawing and music but only drawing loves me back in return.
xd I love having a lot of friends so feel free to click that "add" button.
See you around!
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