uh...hmmm...what can i tells you.....well...i play WoW....so i guess that means i has no life....specially since i have 2 80's and a 3rd one on the way........um...but if you play WoW i'm on Drak'Tharon and my toons are Pirogoeth and Lumia.....oh and i have one in Executus named Nove.....hmmm...what else...i hate the sun tis waaay too bright =_=...and i like the rain ^_^ i get really hyper when i drink coffee and cons make me get all touchy and glompy on ppl....when i usually dont like touching ppl....um....oh and i'm somewhat awesome cuz i can cook
biggrin ...so yea u wanna know more jst pm n stuff random adds are somewhat welcome
sweatdrop OH! and i can do some of the dances in the video on my profile....and i can also do gnome, tauren female, undead, and draenie female yea i know i'm a nerd but i'm happy so
My Thoughts for this day, week, when ever
I'm just basically gonna type whatever is on my mind which include wierd thoughts that I get.
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