I'm Paige, and since you're here, I'm assuming that you're wanting to know more about me. I'll tell you a little bit, but not too much! (: I'm not dumb by any means.
I'm sixteen, and that means I'll be a Junior in high school. Upperclassman, finally! I'm also a bit of a nerd.
I'm taking all advanced classes next year, and I'm also the Vice President in the band. Yeah, I'm a Band Nerd. (: We're pretty awesome. I play the flute and piccolo, and that makes me pretty darn cool I think. ;D
Random Facts about Paige !
- I love Greek Yogurt - My best friend and I look similar (and she is only 18 hours older than I am.) - I have a boyfriend that I've been with for almost two years. - I LOVE the Beatles. - I'm an Indie kid in a small town. - I RP. Constantly.
Pictures for you to see!
I'll add more later!
Thanks to hpanna47 for an early birthday present! (:
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