Attention "Mrs. Slate's School Of Magic" Member, I am here to inform you that our guild is in need of member's being more active. I know everyone has other responsibility's, but it would mean a lot to the school if you post one thing when you can at a time. please help use keep the school from closing.
I thought I'd infom you that the Headmaster has made his very own guild called "Mr. Aro's School of Vampire's, Werewolf's & Human's" BUt don't worry he's still going to be our beloved Headmaster BUT we need your help getting the word out about his guild.
Dear Mrs.Slate's school of magic member, As the Headmistress of the school I believe it is my duty to welcome you to my guild, I would also like to let you know that there's a lot of Contest, Games & Events coming soon that you as a member have the advantage of joining in on. I hope to see you out and about at Hogwarts soon so until then have a pleasant day. If you can't find a way to get to the guild just click on me, the guild banner is on my that and your good to go.
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