Birthday: 01/20
I Adopted a Host!
Name:Fujioka, Haruhi
Loves: studying ,kiddie pools, making Tamaki cry
No Loves: Tamaki harrasing her, host club, the day she entered music room 3
Owner surprised uran_cosplayer
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!
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Still got a few years of High School.
Kindly KILL ME NOW, before summer ends.
We Brits like a show called Doctor Who, where....
Yeah, so anyways~ If I unequip it, it's gone. Since it evolved and all.
So I'm not gonna unequip.
Well I think I HAD one at a point or another. :/
Alas, no.
No awesome freshman year out to murder you?
Well at least you're the highest grade at the school.