My name is Tihana. I'm European but I have lived in American for almost my whole life. I left Europe when I was 3 because of a war. I'm crazy, weird and talk a lot but I can't control it because it's who I am. I know what's going on in the world and I want to help stop all that. No my life is not perfect, it's not even close but I still live it to see what can change. I love music, to draw and play sports. soccerftw!
Total Value: 928,180 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fairy Wings
Chuchip's Blessing
Purple Tam Beret
Raider Shih's Garment
KoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoX
Enchanted Book
Young Mrs. Claus' Bustier
Wed to Darkness

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Summer is all most over. =(