☼Name:☼ Cookie or Bonbori
☼Age:☼ N/A<-- does this scare you ;D
☼Sex:☼ Female :T
☼Websites:☼Gaia, Second Life, and IMVU
☼Does Most On Gaia:☼Roleplay and Chat with Friends
☼Roleplay Interests:☼Adventure, Romance, Sci Fi, Horror, T1, Medieval, Kingdoms, Fantasy, 1x1, Etc. @-@
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The Legend of the Nexus Astria
No profiles needed...more of less a walk in with SOME rules and it has a basic plot. It's about a group of people who come to the world of Nexus Astria to free it from the corruption of the Astral Plane. An endeavor led by a man named Zero who intends to see it through to the end. Zero, being the first to know about the crisis, was the first to go to the Nexus Astria while it was still completely trapped in the Astral Plane. Once there he fought a long hard battle before finally freeing one of nine zones/regions on the world. After doing so, he recieved a relic from one of nine spirits as thanks for freeing one of them and the zone they belong to. After placing the relic in it's respective pedestal, an Astral Rift opened up to many people at once to begin what will become a long journey.
If you wish to partake in the rp, you'll need to join the guild. The guild itself is as follows:
This league is newly established for people to have fun, telling them their quests of wishlists, sharing experiences in zOMG and also RP!
The general rules
1. No spam and flaming. For sure.
2. Begging for gold is not really encouraged in here since the league is made by people with low-budgeted money.
3. This guild's forum is consisted to four parts Chatterbox, zOMG Experience, Role-Playing and also Charity. We can only do whatever we can for the Charity.
4. Everyone can join and no fees are needed (until more then ten had joined, we might need about 1k fee entry.)
Have fun in the guild while it's still on it's creation stage!
The Friend Chat is open now! You're free to frolic around!
RIP zOMG!, you had done a lot of service to us.
Link to a video regarding ZOMG