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De La Luna IV on 05/21/2024
BloodyIncompetence on 04/27/2022
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How am I to decide to wear?

Black Blood

Meet-up and Rally

Await and you shall see

I'm looking for some genral parts for my car that I just got. I am also looking to obtain most of th enightmare pieces I haved missed for some reason or the other with donation items.

Also my house is now in the town system.

Heres the link :

What happing in this town.

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Devil May Cry 4 - Review

On the off chance your reading this this section of my Profile is dedicated to my games I like to play and share the knowledge of them with you.

Format : Xbox 360
Publisher : Capcom

This game follows on from the other games that share the same name. It introduces an new character whom is called Nero. There been a few changes from what I can tell like the new skill of Nero's which is Devil Bringer. This new skill allows for some new twist in combat and is used to get you through the game. Those of you who love Dante don't threat he still in the game and has styles that you can improve.

The controls of game play are similar to the Playstaions Two ones from the earlier games so players will not find it hard to get used to the new game. I found the game easy to play and fun.

The story I don't want ruin the story line so I will leave that much to you to find out.

Remember to enjoy your self and keep on reaching for those achievements.

Things you might like to know

Name : Oni
Real name : Private to those who know it all ready.
Age : 27
Sex : Male
Location : Some place that best kept to my self.

Hobbies : Drawing, listening to music, practising on the instruments I have, Playing CCG's, Talking to my Friends on IM's, Listening to music, cooking.

IM details : You have to become a good friend to get them.

Well as you can see I am not sharing my details with just any old Joe now. I would of but in the past I been attacked and so called have people telling me that I am with them when I am not. I am not on Gaia for Drama if I wanted drama I would of joined the local Stage group. I am into a varied amount of things some of them I will not bring up on this as it meant to be child safe. Well if you want to try to get to know me better there the old getting to know me on here. So catch you later.

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Oni ♥

New Age Zenage

Private throughts made public

View Journal

Onis Worlds - The Home of Onicorp!

Well here will be poems and some random quizzes I done and some enterries about what I want to say from my own words. I am the dark prince so I been called due to my poems style maybe someday one would get used on a public broadcast.


What you guys think and say about me

View All Comments

ChaosQueen Report | 06/20/2014 2:34 pm
I am just in and out here and there. O_O Usally on the phone app some time xD
De La Luna IV Report | 03/12/2013 9:25 am
Hey Hun! Miss you! sad it's been over a year D:
Scarlet Anastasia Rose Report | 01/26/2013 8:42 am
Hey Sweeetie,

I don't have msn on the lap top i am using; hopfuly i will had msn soon so we can talk.

I've been so busy....
BloodyIncompetence Report | 11/26/2012 11:00 pm
heart heart heart
LoveYou_HateLife Report | 03/29/2012 11:13 pm
whats up?
BloodyIncompetence Report | 03/25/2012 2:19 am
onii i misses you D:
LoveYou_HateLife Report | 03/10/2012 12:05 pm
im ok and how are you?
Rupa_La_Pirate Report | 02/08/2012 8:06 am
oh geez, why didn't I think of that. sweatdrop
Vamantha Report | 02/04/2012 7:51 am
All those make you taste delicious! I sowwie. I wish you had the choice to come to the USA. I've been very lonely lately.
Vamantha Report | 01/28/2012 4:53 am
You has a flavor! :3

The illadvised Mark...

Demons come and die. Then in their death rise Angels so the cycle begins a new. Then Angels become fallen and become the demons they fear.

мертвый /живой

[It starts with me and you, and I never want it to end....]


In the chamber of the night lays the secrets of immortal lies