About me!
I'm 17 years old... Lol, I feel like I need to update this again to let everyone know that I'm alive...I write poems and stories, play music(percussion), etc. I'm not athletic, but I'm an effing beast at badminton. And dodgeball. I have road rage. Like, for seriously. I'll be ready to go Tokyo Drift on some idiot. And I hate when people decided to have their damn leisurely Sunday drives in the middle of the week when I'm late for work....I have bipolar disorder, but it's under control and I'm medicated. XDA purely sexual relationship could never cut it for me. I don't think I have a particular "type" of person. But I can usually tell within the first 5 minutes of talking to someone if I'll like them. Looks matter to a certain degree, but I'm a sucker for an engaging conversation. My highest score on Solitaire is 10406 with 71 seconds. I'm a fan of classical music, even though not many teenagers are. Food-wise, I love spaghetti and I love pizza. Ice cream is amazing, and so are chocolate and strawberries. I'm not always the happiest person in the world, but when I am, you can definitely tell. I like to dance, and I'd love to learn ballroom dancing.
Dr. Pepper is my non-prescription drug. As is Orange Juice. I love video games, even though my piece of s**t x-box has RROD. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp, and my favorite actress is Emma Watson. My current favorite word is lascivious. Luh-SIV-ee-uhs. Just sorta rolls of the tongue, doesn't it? It means "arousing sexual desire, inclined to lustfulness, or indicating sexual interest. The more you know~ ;D
As of January 2nd, I have been painfully single. My ex broke off a relationship of 4 years because...she wasn't sure if she was in love with me the way I was with her? I don't know. I did everything I could to make her happy and it wasn't enough. I recently found out that we had symptoms of an abusive relationship, even though there was no physical abuse. I'm currently trying to accept that she doesn't want to be with me and move on. Some days it's easier and others, not so much. But I'm trying to grasp that whole "Single and loving it" concept. So yay for more emotional and mental health problems?
Er...anything else? ...Ah! J'adore parler francais! Mais je ne sais pas beaucoup. XD This is probably the most detailed this little About Me section has ever been...so if there's anything else you'd like to know, don't hesitate to ask. My cell number is 1-803-651-4075. Text me!
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Haha. Happy Birthday, you. And happy new year, since that's comin' up soon too.
I'm fine, thanks. Nothing interesting to say; My life's been largely uneventful. Still, means nothing bad's happened.
How 'bout you?
D'aw~ Birthday's aren't as special as ya' get older anyway, so maybe you didn't miss out on much. Haha~
xp Leave school with good grades, okay? Give yourself lots of room for jobs later on. Not like they're easy to come by for a while yet, haha. Ah well~
Did you have a good birthday, done anything special? My my, you're almost legally an adult. You'll soon have 'big grown-up matters' to deal with! Got any plans for the future?
Haha, sorry for asking so much. Ya' don't have to answer if ya' don't wish to. xp
Hope you've been having a good time since you were last on~
I hope you... Cyan up soon? sweatdrop
How are you?
Gosh knows I've been pecked enough by ducks. sweatdrop