location: unknown
last know were abouts: Raccoon City during the outbreak
blood tipe unknown
last know were abouts: Raccoon City during the outbreak
blood tipe unknown
Birthday: 10/11
need to know some thing about me
well just ask
FAV ff
fav code leyoko
i was bored and did this
wish i had this clothes
my dream avatars
if you have a gmail acont send it to me i have more pics i wont to put on here but the tearms and seviches wont leat me put it on ill add you to see what ive made so fare
[size=20][b][align=center][size=20][b][align=center][IMG][/IMG] i adopted a chibi! name: age: likes: doesn't like: owner: you can adopt one too! [url=]adopt one!~[/url][/align][/b][/size]
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