iheart music.
Visit my DA: charlie-foxtrot.deviantart.com

Yeah that up there was completely pointless but what can I say, I'm bored. Hmm. . . .
My name is Sam. I'm a procrastinator. So, you're in for a good show.
I'm a flaming...........FEMALE.
I'm a Call of Duty addict. Check out my DA link above.
My mind. On a stick. JOSE JALEPENO!!
This is WAY too complicated. A JOURNAL TITLE now a JOURNAL HEADER. Gah! What's wrong with you people?!
Do peanut butter crackers stick to the roof of YOUR mouth, too? Well, they sure as hell stick to mine.
Visit my DeviantArt if you have one: http://charlie-foxtrot.deviantart.com/
Add me, too :3
Any donators for:
Crumpled paper bags?
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