If you want to see my avi art / pets and the such, I have it all stored safely in the bottom of this section.
Anyways, you want to know about me? 'Kay.
Okey-tae so here's the thing, I'm not telling you my name unless we're friends and so I must apologize, but you are stuck calling me either Novaske or Nova (or some variation). I was born in 01/11/1994 so do the math on your own and you shall know how old I am.. Unless you're really bad at math, at which point I face/palm.
I am a grammar / spelling Nazi, it literally gives me a headache when people just use text talk and the such, I can understand if the persons first language isn't English, but, come on! All of you people whom were taught English and raised with it
should have at least a basic understanding of it!
The only time I'll make exceptions with bad spelling and bad grammar is when it's friends, and even then I tend to give them s**t for it.
I'm bisexual, no, this does not mean I want to ******** anything that moves.
I'm agnostic.
And I utterly give up on keeping this updated since I just returned as of August 2012 after nearly a year of not signing in.
Now then, avi art and the like shall go here:
As of 08/08/2012, I have been foreseen as a great evil by "b***h I LOOK LIKE GOKU".

...How the ******** did he know?
This is avi art I got from
Broken Caged Bird
My psychotic version of Novaske, as drawn by my friend, xB0Y / Keno =3

=D Also from Keno;

A birthday gift from Broken Caged Bird~

And now my dragons~
My first Pearl Dragon, he is Idony's mate.
My first and favorite custom, also the mate of Dwyn.
My first Angelic, second flatsale Pearl Dragon.

I gained the lovely Eir from a raffle, she is the newest addition to my dragons.
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