NMONKEY's avatar

Last Login: 02/21/2011 6:43 pm

Registered: 12/13/2006

Gender: Female


hey whats up im noel im 15 well mostly 16
living in fl born and raised in califorina though
im a surfer,and a skater
i have a bf that i had for 8 and a half months
im going into 9th grade finally
im random at some werid times
i think i suck at poems but people think im good
i cant spell if my life depended on it lol
new peoples are fun to annoy but hey if you want to talk or know more about me just message k


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yep sum of my poems



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malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 5:19 pm
of course I have a deviantart. :]
I'll send you the link/links when I'm done the sketches.
Talk to you then.
malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 5:10 pm
Kkay. ;] I've already begun. I'll have two good sketches done before Tuesday for you.
And I'll send the links for you because I'll probably put them up on my DeviantArt profile.

Good. Any specifications? want any colour changes or anything?
malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 4:54 pm
Both? Both like chibi & reg drawing?

Or both like final copy and pre-copy?
malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 4:48 pm
Kay. We'll say 700 g for now.
If you don't like it, less, if you REALLY like it, maybe a tip?
:] I'll have a base drawing done by Tuesday for you. I'm pretty busy. But I'll probably take a dig pic and send it to you.
We'll talk about the details Tuesday maybe? The final will be scanned and done up all pretty and whatnot. :] No big deal. But for the time being I don't have a scanner and I have to make trips to and from (like 15 miles) to use the scanner. Lol. So that's why the first copy, the initial drawing will be just a picture of it.
No big deal I hope?
So AVIART? The dragon, fox tail & ears, straight jacket, furry feet, blue eyes, ninja headgear, baggy pants?
Want it done in chibi, normal (looks a lot like what it is), or like -- more human like?
malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 4:35 pm
i don't know how much gold. lol.
I've never done a REAL comission before. But my boyfriend has a gaia (thats why i have one) and im drawing his avi for him, too.
so I'm really just getting into this. it'll probably be cheap. :]
whats your price range?
malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 4:03 pm
How much gold?
Or how well do I draw?

I left a comment on the thread you made. Check it out.
Money is negotiable. I suppose you'd want to see it before you paid me.
malveillants Report | 07/19/2009 3:54 pm
I draw.
And I draw well.
angel girl564 Report | 07/09/2009 7:30 pm
thanx for buying
Cj rocker1997 Report | 06/26/2009 6:51 pm
no problem.. biggrin
TheOtakuMistress Report | 06/26/2009 5:35 pm
thx for buying!

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