Veisser MetallFuchs

NMetalFox's avatar

Last Login: 07/29/2015 1:16 pm

Registered: 07/01/2008

Gender: Male

Location: This Rusty Town

Birthday: 06/01


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Im a lyricist, check out my journal!

I am here to accelerate this thread!


This Punk . . .

What about me. Im 18, Im in a band, and I pretty much love life just the way its going right now. Easygoing and easy to talk to, I can talk to anyone about anything. Im also a good listener and I dont judge you by what you say, unless your spamming the newest Japanese fetish. Then I might judge you.

I play Bass Guitar, and have played it for 4 years now. I will play it until I die. As I put it, "I play Bass like nuns play church."

Im pretty mature, for my age at least. I like talking to people about whatever is going through my mind, and theirs, for that matter. So dont hold back, if you have a question, seriously, ask it. Im a pretty open minded guy.

Of Orchetika and the Sound

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Empire and the Art of Music

Here I will be posting some of my works, both songs and thoughts, which I have written. This is to get 3rd party feedback and honest thoughts about my work, and whatever else I need to put here.

Dont yell at me

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Swell Sundae Report | 01/01/2009 5:06 pm
Swell Sundae
lol, alright. ^_^
Swell Sundae Report | 01/01/2009 12:23 am
Swell Sundae
Sorry to not have spoken to you much, but late Happy New Year's! 8D
Irradell Report | 12/11/2008 5:38 pm
Well I wish you the best of luck with your band. ^__^
I'll pop by and give you some commentary every so often, so you have something other than idiotic n00b ravings to go on.
Irradell Report | 12/11/2008 5:30 pm
I've never bothered with the arena's personally; it sounds very irritating.

As I said, your stuff is good, but I'm hesitant to critique it in a literary manner because I don't know how it fits to music and I wouldn't want to mess it up. Hence the general commentary.
Irradell Report | 12/11/2008 5:23 pm
You're welcome, and thank you. I actually read some of the others, but then I got sidetracked and went to dinner. ^__^;;
My stuff is mostly old, but ah well. And yeah, not a lot of people read them which is frustrating when you want feedback. So I don't mind taking the time at all.
rosemidnight17 Report | 08/03/2008 12:17 pm
just dropping by to say hi. smile hope life is treating you good.
rosemidnight17 Report | 07/22/2008 10:28 pm
coo. i rock...beds that is. xD lol oh come on, you know you laughed at that!
Swell Sundae Report | 07/08/2008 12:56 pm
Swell Sundae
You'll add music by the Red Hot Chili Peppers onto your profile eventually, right?
Swell Sundae Report | 07/07/2008 10:18 am
Swell Sundae
Goody ^_^
Swell Sundae Report | 07/07/2008 6:31 am
Swell Sundae
I might as well spill it- I'm gonna end up making you a layout as soon as I can, and then will let you test it out to see if it's to your liking! (And no, you do not EVER pay me to do this ^_^ ) If you like it, keep it and I will add updates to it. If you hate it, just put back in whatever codes you wanted :p. I'll send you my suggested layout in a PM when I'm done ^_^;


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