
Nightangelchi's avatar

Last Login: 10/24/2024 9:30 am

Registered: 04/08/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/10


gaia_angelleft Just smile gaia_angelright [/color:05a4d4247c]


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Places I RP<3

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~NightAngelChi's About Me~

Hello, you can call me Chi or Nicole

*I am fianced
*I love RPing, but haven't done it in probably 3 years sweatdrop
*I have 3 kitties: Romeo, Shiloh, and Callie
*I have 7 gerbils: Mia, Penelope, Skeeter, Axelle, Lathasis, timothy and heath
*I have a Deviantart page now my link there is:
Please enjoy :3 (if you're also a DA member, drop me a note, I would love to meet more people on there 3nodding
*I don't come on here as much, but I will try a little bit harder too, since I still love this website heart


Daily Journal, its public viewable

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Nightangelchi's journal's

This is just where i type about anything thats on my mind, or anything that I'm thinking about, could be totally randomn, or not. just depends =P

People who like to visit my site ^_^

Comments..people who read 'em, i'm not a lesbian, ok? I'm straighter than straight.

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cynical_tigress Report | 01/19/2012 2:27 pm
yea XD
cynical_tigress Report | 01/17/2012 9:12 pm
heeey ~mrows~
samswitzer1 Report | 12/09/2011 2:08 pm
Thanks but yours is more cute biggrin heart
Hatter09 Report | 12/02/2011 9:06 am
Awwh, why thank you biggrin I hope all is well biggrin
Teh_Extreme Report | 11/21/2011 1:05 pm
Skunk eh? I prefer my Chincilla, shes quite the ninja :3
Teh_Extreme Report | 11/15/2011 2:29 pm
Counter UAV up they're blind!
Hatter09 Report | 11/10/2011 9:56 pm
Why thank you smile how are you?
Hatter09 Report | 11/10/2011 6:58 am
Hey, thought I'd come along and say hello to my good old friend biggrin hahaha
cynical_tigress Report | 10/17/2011 1:46 pm
remember her night form silly she isnt on to jsut start talking to others at night
cynical_tigress Report | 10/17/2011 9:27 am
I dunno whata post D:

RP Character

Name:Ichigo Lovelle

Bio: She doesn't like to talk about her past much.

Personality:It depends on who she's dealing with and her mood. Mainly a sweetheart of a girl, very flirty at times,knows how to get what she wants,always tries to make people smile.

Secret: She's psychic. Seeing the future, slightly reading minds, seeing aura's, Able to take Tarrot and other Fortune Telling methods and being freakily accurate.

Hobbies/Interest: Chi loves to draw and read, being around animals, and little kids (not in a creepy way!), she hugely into Astrology/Horoscopes, and anything to deal with Fortune Telling.She also thinks Catagorizing, by color, number, letter, size, and etc. is a hobby....she loves to have stuff catagorized!

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Hey! SMILE ^_^