Nerdy Necromancer

Nerdy Necromancer's avatar

Last Login: 11/25/2019 8:00 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/19


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I'm basically a weirdy who loves music
And video games
I have no life
I have a tumblr if you're interested.
I also draw stuff and post it here.
I love bass guitar.
I'm super friendly. I'm nice to just about anyone.
You'll find out more about me if you check out my tumblr. Yeah. ._.


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Cinematographer Girl Report | 11/19/2013 2:18 pm
Happy Birthday!
Cinematographer Girl Report | 12/27/2012 6:59 pm
when I have free time to use the computer assigned to me in my Digital Media class, I usually listen to Alice Nine music.
Cinematographer Girl Report | 11/10/2012 9:26 am
hi, how are you?
xxerneas Report | 08/06/2012 12:45 pm
I've heard good things about them, but I've never taken the time to listen to any of their songs. I think I'll go do that right now lol~
xxerneas Report | 08/05/2012 11:50 am
:0 You listen to all visual kei bands haha. Recently, none have really caught my eye; the only vk bands I've been listening to lately are GazettE, Alice Nine, and ViViD. I do love MUCC, Nightmare, and D quite a bit though. Maybe I should start listening to them again. ^^
I also listen to a lot of non-visual kei J-rock bands, like ONE OK ROCK, UVERworld, the pillows, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Pay money To my Pain, and so forth. :'D
xxerneas Report | 08/04/2012 4:30 pm
Hmm... White Prayer is probably my all time favorite song by them. c: I also love GEMINI (all three of them) a lot.
Some of my other favorites are Le Grand Bleu, Waterfall, Drella, Mugen - electric eden, Fantasy, Karma, World End Anthology, KING&QUEEN, Ray, Yami ni chiru Sakura, Hello, World, www., Dice, and many many others lol.
What other J-Rock bands do you like?
xxerneas Report | 08/04/2012 10:05 am
Hehe. ^^
What are your favorite Alice Nine songs?
Sandstorm0102 Report | 08/02/2012 2:12 pm
Again... How many times DO you change your avatar?!
xxerneas Report | 08/01/2012 12:13 pm
Hello, I couldn't help but notice that you like Alice Nine. c:
Let us fangirl together~
Sandstorm0102 Report | 07/27/2012 6:44 pm
You changed you avi since I last saw it. Jussayin


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