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my fav champ from LoL

Just Chillax

hey! and welcome to my profile if u guys want to know about me just ask or pm me and ima say this im a otaku and i <3 OPPAIS and i love to watch alot of anime and read lots of mangas and play alot of videogames xP

this is my homie justchillbruh he is the p***y destroyer no lie he is the real p***y quiverer xP

if u play LoL add meh my user name is stevefox1365 we can chat there to and 4 Ps3 im stevfox1365 and if u wanna follow me on tumblr my user name is nepshuta (=^w^=)

this is my selfie well almost. im not really good at selfies so i took a pic with the mirror xP