Hey! My name is Sammi and I was born 3/11. I'm not telling you my year, though. I am vivacious and I am known for having a smile on my face even through the toughest times. That is unless you upset me. If you do so, don't expect it to happen because I will be likely to back away. I have this thing for UFOs lol. I eat biscuts like a dog. Sometimes I think that my cat is a kurd. Hehe.....Moreover, I am a girl with a lot of zeal, who dreams of becoming an artist. My passion for art is what keeps me going. My favorite genres are anime, fantasy, sci-fi and psychadelic. I draw pieces of each genre and in most artwork of mine, I have a concoction of almost, or all of them. I love to use neon colors in my work, because I feel it represents my happy side. Although I use bright colors to beguile the eye, I have meanings in my pieces, as well. I spill my heart in my spare time drawing because I feel the need to exercise the right side of my brain. Besides drawing, graphic design is just another way I express myself through many different colors, patterns, and so on and so forth. Continuing on to what goes on in my life, I am a straight A student although I get B's sometimes, too. Yes, no one is perfect. What good is an infallible person because they have nothing to learn from and part of life is learning to improve and to better yourself. Well because I get A's and good attendance, I don't have to take finals at the end of this semester. My nerdiness is part of me and I have a desire to learn fun facts. Yes, lol I absolutely love learning about the Mayans, Area 51, and Sasqauch. I've learned about these different topics in my favorite class, History by Design. Besides this class itself, the teacher who teaches it is my favorite teacher. He is truly a nice guy with a sense of humor. If you are curious to know I have Asperger's Syndrome, you now know. If you aren't sure what this is, it is the highest form of Autism which is a social disorder. I'm am very high functioning and I learn from my mistakes. Not only people who have this condition make mistakes, because like I said earlier, no one is infallible. We all mess up sometimes and it is how we deal with them. Music is a major part of my life and I love dance because it makes me want to jump around even when I am down. In this genre, I listen to Cascada(dance/techno/pop)Lady Gaga(Dance)Armin van Buuren(Dance/trance)and DJ Tiesto. Oh, How could I forget Smile DK. Her music is as vivacious as it can get. Her music is eurodance/dance and well for dancing, it does justice. That is not it about me though, I have a love of fashion especially stuff like sequins, glitter, and neon tights. I also love make-up, studded belts, and Shiny purses. This is the style I chose even if you may not like it. Now you can probably tell I am a very unique girl who takes a stand in life. There are many more things I like and Final Fantasy X is one of them. I've had this game for a year and I felt nostalgic when I didn't have it. The reason for this is because I used to play this game a very long time ago but it broke. ;(. Having it now, is quite remedial, indeed. My favorite parts of this game are neverending. I will tell you one thing, though. My soul is hooked on the monster arena. I could play fiends including, Nemesis, Thu'ban, and Jumbo Flan for days on end. Telling me I don't have a life is futile because I would still play it. If you are going to say that, you might as well walk out the door and twiddle your fingers because it just isn't going to work.If you are wondering, I LOVE TO PLAY BLITZBALL. Heck yes. It's like Wakka or Brother, get the ball! Or Tidus, make a jecht shot!!I love to write poetry as well. I write pieces about dancing, happiness, and love.Peace baby.Dance.Love.FinalFantasyx
Me xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
My dream male right here.]
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